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Advanced Aesthetic Rhinoplasty - Mini Fellowship 

Advanced Aesthetic Rhinoplasty Workshop - OT Scrubbing

Date - April 23 - 27, 2024


Faculty - Dr Rahul Gogoi (Maxillo Facial & Facial Plastic Surgery, Guwahati)


Venue - RGIMS, Guwahati, india


Maximum Attendees - 10


Registration Fees: INR 150,000 (USD 1,800)


Fellowship Certificate will be given at the end of the program


Workshop Overview


An intensive 5 day Mini Fellowship program providing a unique opportunity for all surgical specialist to delve into the intricate art of Rhinoplasty. Designed to offer a comprehensive learning experience with in-depth in-depth lectures and live surgery assisting as first hand. There will be a total of 5 rhinoplasties. Each participant will be joining and assist first hand to get first hand experience in the detailed steps performed during an aesthetic rhinoplasty by Dr Rahul Gogoi. A rhinoplasty is complex procedures, which require multiple surgery experience to understand and to perform an aesthetic rhinoplasty. To address this specific need, we have designed the course to include 5 rhinoplasties so as to get the best exposure on rhinoplasty over different types of nose. It is also one of the few workshop across the world where scrubbing in the surgery is involved and not merely observing as seen in majority of rhinoplasty workshops. By the end of this Mini Fellowship, attendees will be equipped with sound foundation in specialised aesthetic rhinoplasty technique and wil be poised to enhance their practice in the most demanding surgery in the world of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery


Program Schedule 


Day 1 


07:30 - 08:30  Registration & Breakfast


08:30 - 09:30  Lecture on Advanced Aesthetic Rhinoplasty  

  • Open Rhinoplasty Approach 

  • Tip Plasty: Cartilage Graft and Suture Techniques 

  • Ultrasonic Bone osteotomy

  • Rib Cartilage harvest, Ear Conchal Harvest, Septal Harvest & Deep Temporal Fascia Harvest & More 


10:00 -   Full Day Assisting in the Operation Room for Advanced Aesthetic Rhinoplasty Surgeries 


Day 2 - Day 5


07:30 - 08:30  Running Breakfast & Lecture on Advanced Aesthetic Rhinoplasty  

  • Open Rhinoplasty Approach 

  • Tip Plasty: Cartilage Graft and Suture Techniques 

  • Ultrasonic Bone osteotomy

  • Rib Cartilage harvest, Ear Conchal Harvest, Septal Harvest & Deep Temporal Fascia Harvest & More 


10:00 -   Full Day Assisting in the Operation Room for Advanced Aesthetic Rhinoplasty Surgeries 



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